Review & Audit

What is an audit in terms of CPA services? It’s the top level of financial statement service a certified public accountant can provide to a business. The CPA, or auditor, gives their professional opinion about whether financial statements of the business were prepared in accordance with the correct financial reporting guidelines. Audits help investors or lenders make informed decisions and have confidence in the integrity of the company’s financial statements.

We Look at Every Detail

A professional financial audit requires in-depth analysis, including gathering evidence, observing, testing, and confirming financial records. The auditor gives an opinion about whether the financial statements are completely accurate. A positive audit can go a long way in establishing the financial integrity of your company. A professional auditor can also offer suggestions for improvement in your organization’s processes.

Premier Accounting Solutions has the knowledge and experience to offer exceptional auditing services for your business, providing you with an expert opinion of your company’s financial statements. We also offer reviews, which differ from audits in that they provide less assurance about the integrity of financial statements than a formal audit, but they still have value. Reviews are less intensive than an audit, and less formal. To learn more about the audit and review services offered from Premier Accounting Solutions, contact us today!